Thursday, November 18, 2010

Assignment 1 work progress

There too many tools i use in this assignment, but i will explain every each of it. First, i choose a mosque picture download from internet. Then i use mask tools to crop just the mosque picture to be added in my e-wallpaper. I use brush to select the mosque.

 Once finish, press Ctrl + Delete to delete the unwanted area. Then press Ctrl + D to deselect the area.

Then i drag out the mosque image into the e-wallpaper slide. I use gradient tools for the background. And i use blur tools to blend mosque image with the background. I add horizontal type tools for the event name with Kunstler Script typeface.

 Ooohh. I forgot to mention about the gradient tools step. For gradient tools, first select the gradient tools at the side panel. Then select the color box at the top right of the windows. Then i choose the chrome for pattern and green mix with white for the gradient color.

I open a ketupat image. Cropped it using mask tools and the step were same as the mosque image.

Then i dragged it into the e-wallpaper layer. Then use the blur tools to blend it with the background. Then copy the mosque layer, change the name to mosque mask and click Alt + click between the layer to clip it as a mask. Then double click on it, click gradient overlay, choose color, choose #70e754.

On the mosque layer Right Click > Blending Option > Outer Glow, blend mode is multiply, size 9px and color #afdeab.

Then i use this picture to fill the empty space at the bottom right.

There need some touch up on the text. So i add inner shadow and drop shadow for the text. Double click layer text > Inner Shadow. Set the blend mode lighten, distance 9px and size 5px.

Again, double click layer text > Drop Shadow. Set the blend mode darker color, distance 4px, spread 15% and size 4px.

Need to touch up the moon so that it can blend with the background. Double click on the moon layer > Inner Shadow. Set the blend mode multiply, color #985c14, distance 2px, choke 3% and size 13px.

For the outer glow, Right Click > Blending Option > Outer Glow. Set the spread 18% and size 13px.

I add some fireworks so that it will look like its a big celebration festival. First create new layer and name it marquee. Then i use elliptical marquee tool. Click and drag while hold the Shift + Ctrl button for the nice shape. Then click on brush button. Just draw some dot inside the ellipse.  

Then right click on the marquee layer, duplicate it in count of 3. 

As we can see above pic i had created 3 layer copy of marquee layer. Now click Filter>Blur>Radial Blur.

Then set the amount to 20 and click on the zoom radio button.

Repeat this step 3 or 4 times for each of marquee layer which is i have 4 all here. To make things easier, just use short key for this step. Press Crtl + F. At the end the result as below.

Finally, i resize every each of marquee layer to make it look like a big firework. Shortcut key is Ctrl + T. And the result as below.

And the final result is below.

That was my festival e-wallpaper. Hari Raya Festival. Thank You =)

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